1100tpd 无滤袋真空过滤机发货土耳其


“工欲善其事, 必先利其器;

  机械之先锋, 轻机来制造。

福建轻机设计和制造的1100tpd 无滤袋式真空过滤机,长11000mm,盘片直径5700mm,试机合格出厂,由警车专护上高速并海运出口至土耳其。

Vacuum Disc Filter, Bagless Type, designed and made by FJLIME is qualified after factory test-run and QC check. The over-sized disc filter is guarded by police car to highway and export to Turkey.


Advantages of Vacuum Disc Filter, Bagless Type

1、The filtration efficiency is 15% or more than other type of filters;

2、No filter bag structure;

3、Greatly reducing the operation and maintenance costs.

福建轻机一直致力于为客户提供定制化服务和解决方案,为客户创造效益, 实现双赢。

We are committed to providing customers with customized services and solutions, creating valuable business and achieving a win-win cooperation.


1, 无滤袋真空过滤机,900tpd, 安装在泰国

900tpd Vacuum Disc Filter, Bagless Type, running in Thailand 图片

2, 中东纸业真空过滤机

Referenced Disc Filter in Middle East


3, 罗马尼亚纸业真空过滤机

Referenced Disc Filter in Romania


4, 其他在中国,印度,印尼,菲律宾等

The others install in China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.
